Management Master Class

Management is a process, Leadership is an art form.

What to expect

 90 Minutes

Lessons + Accountability 

Your Investment: only $1200

Management is a process, Leadership is an art form. 

When you understand these two concepts, you can properly understand how to build your business internally. 

In this Management Master Class, we will be diving deep and the guiding principles to implement. 

Date Start: Wednesday September 11th, 2024

Time: 12 PM - 1:30 PM EST

Join The Waitlist TODAY!

Make The Leap to Manager!
Start With Our Management MasterCLASS Free Trial


What You'll Get

Training Sessions

Break down the sales process and sales techniques in practical and manageable segments.


Training is delivered in self-paced format with videos, and activities to help make learning more in depth and comprehensive.

Workbook & Planning Tools

Additional resources, reading recommendations and planning materials makes learning more valuable.

What to Expect


Explore the distinction between management and leadership, develop a leadership mindset, and learn to eliminate blind spots while embracing a customer and growth mindset


Dive deep into management competencies, assess your skills, and discover how to elevate your leadership capabilities.  


Master the art of managing daily lists, creating an organized workflow that boosts productivity. 


Move on to managing weekly lists, introducing the LION concept to enhance your strategic planning. 


Learn to lead impactful weekly meetings, covering essential elements like WIFLE, group discussions, individual lists, and more.


Explore the art of managing 1-2-1 meetings, fostering effective one-on-one communication with your team members.


Set goals and measures using KAI, KPI, KBI, and the 6x6 approach. Embrace stretch goals and SMART objectives.


Craft a dynamic 90-day plan, making dreams come true with IVVM, and focusing on quarterly objectives.


Navigate annual reviews, personal development, and discipline, including SWOT analysis and conflict management.


Enhance your communication skills, delve into tools like 360-degree feedback, and explore neuro-linguistic programming.


Build effective teams through systems, training, and recruiting, incorporating the 80:20 rule and ActionCOACH's systemization principles.


Transition from a manager to a leader by understanding the dynamics of management and leadership transition.

Register with Payment Today to Save Your Seat at the Next Class

Frequently Asked Questions

When Does It Start? 

This class starts on Wednesdays, 8am (EASTERN time). Classes will be held via Zoom for 1 hour each week as a group. Classes will conclude after 12 sessions (12 weeks).    

How do I know it's for me? 

If you want a rock star team you can depend on, you need to put your management team through this 12 Week Management Master Class.  

What is the Time Commitment? 

Class sessions are only 1-hour per week. In addition there is light homework that can take up to 1 additional hour each week. Most homework items fit into your daily routine - as you implement, you learn. 

How much do I have to participate? 

A core tenet here at ActionCOACH is 100% participation. When you give your all, you will get more back in return. The most successful graduates of this program come prepared to participate each week .  

When can I get started? 

Right away! We are only taking 10 total for this session - secure your seat today and prepare for May start date.   

Does my location matter? 

Nope! As long as you have access to a computer (with webcam) and internet, you are welcome to join. We love working with managers all over the world!  

Are there payment options? 

Payment options include 1 payment up front, or 3 easy payments over the 12 weeks of classes.

Meet Coach Mary Ann

Mary Ann ranks as one of the Global Top 100 Business Coaches in the World and is the owner of one of the largest ActionCOACH firms in NC. Her passion lies in helping businesses grow and business owners lead while building strong workplaces where people and communities thrive. When not coaching and teaching business about growth she and her husband Kurt will be cruising the Outer Banks of NC on their boat.

Meet Coach Karen

A Winston Salem native, Karen’s been an entrepreneur since grade school when she picked vegetables from her dad’s garden and sold them around the neighborhood from her red wagon. Prior to joining ActionCOACH, she founded both Agile City and Venture Café, making huge positive contribution to Winston-Salem and each individual she touched along the way.

When not working to help business owners and the community grow, Karen spends her time with her wife and dog doing what she, drawing, reading, playing golf, hiking and of course eating cheese burgers!